23–26 Sept 2014
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Single Superfield Inflation

25 Sept 2014, 16:40
Seminar room 1 (DESY Hamburg)

Seminar room 1

DESY Hamburg

Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg


Mr Takahiro Terada (The University of Tokyo)


We propose a framework for inflationary model building in supergravity which requires only one chiral superfiled in addition to the standard gravity supermultiplet. A stabilization mechanism for the non-inflaton field in the inflaton supermultiplet is required, for which we take a higher dimensional term in the Kahler potential. This framework allows one to construct a very wide range of inflationary potentials consistent with observations with a minimal set-up.

Primary author

Mr Takahiro Terada (The University of Tokyo)


Prof. Sergei Ketov (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Kavli IPMU (the University of Tokyo), Institute of Physics and Technology (Tomsk Polytechnic University))

Presentation materials