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27 February 2019 to 1 March 2019
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

This DESY Research course 2019 is the 18th course of the annual series of spring research courses on “hot” topics of photon science research. This year the course will provide a broad overview on different aspects of photon science activities of the DESY and Hamburg environment. Special attention is paid on the impact and perspectives of the latest storage ring and FEL sources, as well as lab-based methods and theory on the field.

The course addresses master and PhD students, young research fellows, as well as interested scientists.

Registration is free of charge and shall be made no later than February 17th, 2019.


Confirmed speakers:

S. Bajt (DESY)

S. Bari (DESY)

R. Boll (European XFEL)

F. Calegari (DESY/U Hamburg)

U. Frühling (U Hamburg)

D. Pfannkuche (U Hamburg)

N. Rohringer (DESY/U Hamburg)

M. Schnell (DESY/U Kiel)

J. Simonet (U Hamburg)

S. Techert (DESY/U Göttingen)



Gerhard Grübel

Felix Lehmkühler

Matthias Kreuzeder

DESY Hamburg
FLASH seminar room, Bldg. 28c