4–7 Oct 2011
Building 5, Hamburg site
Europe/Berlin timezone
Live stream under http://webcast.desy.de/Live/desylive38.htm

Secure web hosting with AFS

6 Oct 2011, 15:30
Main Auditorium (Building 5, Hamburg site)

Main Auditorium

Building 5, Hamburg site

Notkestrasse 85 D-22607 Hamburg


Mr Stefano Stalio (LNGS - INFN)


The AFS file system, together with the kerberos/pts authentication and authorization tools, can be used to implement corporate web services with advanced management and security features.
A system was realized at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso where multiple, administratively separate Apache instances, each with virtual hosting capabilities, run on the same server. Each Apache instance holds a different AFS token and accesses different AFS volumes. Data directories, configuration files and log files are kept in distinct AFS areas with different ACLs, thus allowing for administrative separation.
The server runs as a virtual host and is replicated. A load-balancing cluster with high availability standards is obtained using LVS.

Estimated length of presentation<BR>(in minutes, may be changed by chair) 30

Primary author

Mr Stefano Stalio (LNGS - INFN)

Presentation materials