<b>PIER Graduate Week 2014</b></br> Interdisciplinary Workshop and Lecture Week for PhD Students

SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99 (Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY))

SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg

Introductory and focus courses
Welcome to the registration site for the PIER Graduate Week 2014, an interdisciplinary workshop and lecture week for PhD students. Numerous national and international experts will offer a wide range of introductory and focus courses in the research fields Particle & Astroparticle Physics, Nanoscience, Photon Science, Infection & Structural Biology.
Each course is a consecutive four-day series of lectures and/or workshops. The introductory courses are designed for doctoral candidates who would like to learn more about a related research field, while the focus courses are in-depth sessions for doctoral candidates in their own respective research area. Please check the timetable in the navigation menu for the course details. You may register for two introductory courses, one focus course and one writing skills course. There is no conference fee.
The Graduate Week addresses mainly PhD students. Interested MSc students and scientists are also invited to participate. Registration deadline: 15 September 2014

Writing skills workshop
This complementary workshop teaches effective science writing, and combines short lectures with practical exercises and homework. The places for the workshop are limited. For more information, see the link in the navigation menu.

Poster sessions
For networking purposes and in order to promote the interdisciplinary exchange among the Graduate Week’s participants, there will be two poster sessions in which PhD students are invited to present their research projects.

Scientific colloquium
Uwe Bergmann, deputy director at the Stanford Linear Collider Center, will give a talk on Monday, 6 October 2014 on "Seeing the Invisible – The Science and Application of X-rays".

Industry talk
On Wednesday, 8 October, Bernd Irmer will talk about his career as CEO of nanotools GmbH (Munich): "Highest precision for the chip industry. Earning money with nanotechnology".

Anton Barty (DESY, Hamburg), Uwe Bergmann (SLAC, Standford), Laura Covi (University of Göttingen), Artur Erbe (HZDR, Dresden), Tim Gilberger (McMaster University & CSSB, Hamburg), Andreas Hüttel (University of Regensburg), Bernd Irmer (CEO nanotools GmbH, Munich), Rick Kirian (DESY, Hamburg), Joseph Lykken (Fermilab, Batavia), Thomas Marlovits (IMBA, Vienna & CSSB, Hamburg), Adriana Palffy (MPI-K, Heidelberg), Lars Redecke (Universität Hamburg & Universität zu Lübeck), Ralf Röhlsberger (DESY, Hamburg), Friedrich Simmel (TUM, Munich), Thilo Stehle (University of Tübingen), Dimitri Svergun (EMBL, Hamburg), Marc Vrakking (MBI, Berlin), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ, Leipzig), Tom White (DESY, Hamburg), Achim Wixforth (University of Augsburg)

For accommodation please register in the DESY Hostel. For DESY group state "PIER Graduate Week". Rooms are between 28-35 EUR.

Local organising committee
Robert Blick (Nanosciences), Jochen Küpper (Photon Science), Jan Louis (Particle and Astroparticle Physics), Markus Perbandt (Infection and Structural Biology), Robin Santra (spokesperson PIER Helmholtz Graduate School), Mirko Siemssen (administration PIER Helmholtz Graduate School), Matthias Kreuzeder (administration DESY)

Progamme Flyer
  • Abdullah Malik Muhammad
  • Alena Wiegandt
  • Alexander Britz
  • Alexander Schavkan
  • Ali Harb
  • Amr Moustafa
  • Amul Shinde
  • Anastasia Karavdina
  • Anatoly Shabalin
  • Anna-Marlena Kreuziger
  • Anne-Laure Calendron
  • Annika Vanhoefer
  • Antonia Karamatskou
  • Arafat Medini
  • Aune Koitmäe
  • Boris Krichel
  • Carmelo Evoli
  • Christoph Maag
  • Christoph Testud
  • Clemens Weninger
  • Clemens Wieck
  • Cornelius Bausch
  • Cornelius Gati
  • Cornelius Louwrens Pieterse
  • Daniel Gonzalez Vazquez
  • Daniele Marconi
  • Dina Sheyfer
  • Dominik Nowatschin
  • Dorothee Scharfenberg
  • Eda Yildirim
  • Eleftheria Filippaki
  • Elena Maria Donegani
  • Elina Fuchs
  • Fabian Ruehle
  • Fawad Karimi
  • Franziska Krawack
  • Frederike Ahr
  • Friederieke Gorris
  • Heidi Auerswald
  • Henning Kirschenmann
  • Hong Ye
  • Hong-Guang Duan
  • Ibrahym Dourki
  • Ido Ben-Dayan
  • Irene Maja Nanni
  • Ivan Vartaniants
  • Ivan Zaluzhnyy
  • Jan-Philip Merkl
  • Jhih-An You
  • Joana Valério
  • Johann Haber
  • Khaled Elsayed
  • Konstantin Krausert
  • Kristin Goebel
  • Kyaw Thu
  • Laura Sagunski
  • Leslie Lamberto Lazzarino
  • Lorenzo Galli
  • Lucila Zarate
  • M Spreckelsen
  • Madeleine Künz
  • Madiha Fayyaz
  • Malte Hoffmann
  • Malte Pfaff
  • Manuel Harder
  • Marc Stoever
  • Marco Filipuzzi
  • Mareike Meyer
  • Maria Kokkinidou
  • Maria Martinez Molledo
  • Maria Naumova
  • Markus Ebert
  • Markus Pfau
  • Martin Vollmann
  • Masoud Mehrjoo
  • Mattia Donato
  • Max Rose
  • Max Wiedorn
  • Maximilian Hollstein
  • Michael Deffner
  • Michael Grefe
  • Miguel Ochmann
  • Mikheil Titberidze
  • Mohammad Mehdi Ramin Moayed
  • Natacha Leite
  • Nataliia Kovalchuk
  • Nataliia Kuzkova
  • Nicole Teschmit
  • Noëmie Bastidon
  • Oleg Gorobtsov
  • Pankaj Kumar Mishra
  • Parisa Bayat
  • Patrick Dierks
  • Pavel Alexeev
  • Peter Walter
  • Qian Cao
  • Robert Höppner
  • Robert Richter
  • Robert Seher
  • Robin Schubert
  • salah Awel
  • Sarah Wölper
  • Sebastian Lorenz
  • Sergey Lazarev
  • Sergey Volkov
  • Sergio Carbajo
  • Shadi Sajedi Shacker
  • Sharareh Sayyad
  • Shruti Patel
  • Simon Leiß
  • Sneha Nidhi
  • Svetlana Kapis
  • Teresa Lenz
  • Theresa Nuguid
  • Tim Raiber
  • Tobias Hansen
  • Tobias Lapsien
  • Torben Steenbock
  • Vaclav Hanus
  • Vera Lebedeva
  • Victor Tkachenko
  • Vilius Kripas
  • Wei Liu
  • Xiangjin Kong
  • Yassine El Atiq
  • Zeinab Eskandarian
  • Zhipeng Huang
Questions? Suggestions?
    • A1: Introductory course Photon Science, Ralf Röhlsberger (DESY): Essentials of x-ray physics: scattering, imaging, spectroscopy and beyond SR II

      SR II

      • 1
    • A2: Introductory course Infection and Structural Biology, Tim Gilberger (CSSB, Hamburg): Invasion of Red Blood Cells by the Malaria Parasite SR III

      SR III

    • 10:15
      Coffee Break SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • B1: Introductory course Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Laura Covi (Uni Göttingen): Theory and observations in the early universe SR II

      SR II

    • B2: Introductory course Nanosciences, Achim Wixforth (Uni Augsburg): Nanoquakes on a chip: SAW and solid state nanoscience: on conveyor belts, single electrons and really narrow Tacoma bridges SR III

      SR III

      Nanoquakes on a chip: SAW and solid state nanoscience: on conveyor belts, single electrons and really narrow Tacoma bridges

    • 12:00
      Lunch break CFEL cafeteria

      CFEL cafeteria

    • C1: Focus course Photon Science, Adriana Palffy (MPI-K , Heidelberg): Nuclear x-ray quantum optics SR II

      SR II

    • C2: Focus course Infection and Structural Biology, Tom White (DESY): Introduction to free-electron lasers, diffraction, macromolecules and serial crystallography SR III

      SR III

      This lecture will introduce X-ray free-electron lasers, which are recently-available light sources that are stimulating great changes in our approach to diffraction studies of biological macromolecules. I will cover the basic theory of X-ray diffraction and crystallography, including the emerging technique of “serial femtosecond crystallography” and its potential impact in the near future.

    • E1: Scientific writing skills (group A), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ Leipzig) SR IV

      SR IV

    • 14:45
      Coffee break SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • D1: Focus course Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Joseph Lykken (Fermilab): The Higgs boson discovery. Theoretical implications and future perspectives SR III

      SR III

    • D2: Focus course Nanosciences, Achim Wixforth (Uni Augsburg): Honey I shrunk the lab: The use of surface acoustic waves for microfluidics and lab on a chip SR II

      SR II

    • E2: Scientific writing skills (group B), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ Leipzig) SR IV

      SR IV

    • Scientific writing skills: Feedback session on writing progress SR IV

      SR IV

    • Scientific colloquium and welcome reception, Uwe Bergmann (SLAC, Deputy Director for LCLS): Seeing the Invisible – The Science and Application of X-rays SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • A1: Introductory course Photon Science, Ralf Röhlsberger (DESY): Essentials of x-ray physics: Scattering, imaging, spectroscopy and beyond SR II

      SR II

    • A2: Introductory course Infection and Structural Biology, Thomas Marlovits (IMBA Wien/CSSB, Hamburg): Molecular Machines: Architecture, Function and Structural Plasticity SR III

      SR III

    • 10:15
      Coffee break SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • B1: Introductory course Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Laura Covi (Uni Göttingen): Theory and observations in the early universe SR II

      SR II

    • B2: Introductory course Nanosciences, Andreas Hüttel (Uni Regensburg): Clean carbon nanotubes - a perfect model system for quantum nanoelectronics SR III

      SR III

    • 12:00
      Lunch break CFEL cafeteria

      CFEL cafeteria

    • C1: Focus course Photon Science, Adriana Palffy (MPI-K, Heidelberg): Nuclear x-ray quantum optics SR II

      SR II

    • C2: Focus course Infection and Structural Biology, Lars Redecke (UHH & Universität zu Lübeck): Serial Femtosecond Crystallography: studying the structure of proteins using a free-electron laser SR III

      SR III

    • E1: Scientific writing skills (group A), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ Leipzig) SR IV

      SR IV

    • 14:45
      Coffee break SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • D1: Focus course Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Joseph Lykken (Fermilab): The Higgs boson discovery - Theoretical implications and future perspectives SR II

      SR II

    • D2: Focus course Nanosciences, Andreas Hüttel (Uni Regensburg): Nano-electromechanics of carbon nanotubes - coupling single electron effects and mechanical motion SR III

      SR III

    • E2: Scientific writing skills (group B), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ Leipzig) SR IV

      SR IV

    • A2: Introductory course Infection and Structural Biology, Thilo Stehle (Uni Tübingen): Structural biology of host-pathogen interactions SR III

      SR III

    • Scientific writing skills: Feedback session on writing progress SR IV

      SR IV

    • 18:00
      Barbecue CFEL atrium & cafeteria

      CFEL atrium & cafeteria

    • A1: Introductory course Photon Science, Ralf Röhlsberger (DESY): Essentials of x-ray physics: scattering, imaging, spectroscopy and beyond SR II

      SR II

    • 10:15
      Coffee break SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • B1: Introductory course Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Laura Covi (Uni Göttingen): Theory and observations in the early universe SR II

      SR II

    • B2: Introductory course Nanosciences, Friedrich Simmel (TU München): Bionanotechnology and synthetic biology SR III

      SR III

    • 12:00
      Lunch break CFEL cafeteria

      CFEL cafeteria

    • C1: Focus course Photon Science, Marc Vrakking (MBI, Berlin): Attosecond molecular electron dynamics SR II

      SR II

    • C2: Focus course Infection and Structural Biology, Arwen Pearson (CFEL): Synchrotron-based methods for diffraction, scattering and imaging SR III

      SR III

    • E1: Scientific writing skills (group A), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ Leipzig) SR IV

      SR IV

    • 14:45
      Coffee break SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • D1: Focus course Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Joseph Lykken (Fermilab): The Higgs boson discovery - Theoretical implications and future perspectives SR II

      SR II

    • D2: Focus course Nanosciences, Friedrich Simmel (TU München): Molecular programming with DNA: DNA-based nanoassembly and synthetic biochemical circuits SR III

      SR III

    • E2: Scientific writing skills (group B), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ Leipzig) SR IV

      SR IV

    • Poster session II: Photon Science & Infection and Structural Biology CFEL foyer

      CFEL foyer

    • Scientific writing skills: Feedback session on writing progress SR IV

      SR IV

    • Industry talk Bernd Irmer (CEO nanotools GmbH, München): Highest precision for the chip industry: Earning money with nanotechnology SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • A1: Introductory course Photon Science, Ralf Röhlsberger (DESY): Essentials of x-ray physics: scattering, imaging, spectroscopy and beyond SR II

      SR II

    • A2: Introductory course Infection and Structural Biology, Dimitri Svergun (EMBL, Hamburg): Small-angle x-ray scattering from biomacromolecular solutions SR III

      SR III

    • 10:15
      Coffee break SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • B1: Introductory course Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Laura Covi (Uni Göttingen): Theory and observations in the early universe SR II

      SR II

    • B2: Introductory course Nanosciences, Artur Erbe (FZDR, Dresden): Electronic transport in mesoscopic structures SR III

      SR III

    • 12:00
      Lunch break CFEL cafeteria

      CFEL cafeteria

    • C1: Focus course Photon Science, Marc Vrakking (MBI, Berlin): Attosecond molecular electron dynamics SR II

      SR II

    • C2: Focus course Infection and Structural Biology, Rick Kirian (DESY): Methods for imaging non-crystalline targets with X-ray free-electron lasers SR III

      SR III

    • E1: Scientific writing skills (group A), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ Leipzig) SR IV

      SR IV

    • 14:45
      Coffee break SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

      Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
    • D1: Focus course Particle and Astroparticle Physics Joseph Lykken (Fermilab): The Higgs boson discovery - Theoretical implications and future perspectives SR II

      SR II

    • D2: Focus course Nanosciences, Artur Erbe (FZD, Dresden): Molecular electronics SR III

      SR III

    • E1: Scientific writing skills (group B), Annelie Wendeberg (UFZ Leipzig) SR IV

      SR IV

    • Feedback session on writing progress SR IV

      SR IV