First MT Student Retreat

Sem Room 4 (DESY Hamburg)

Sem Room 4

DESY Hamburg

The "MT Student Retreat" is a forum for graduate students associated with the Helmholtz program "Matter and Technologies" and neighboring fields, where students meet, exchange ideas about their work, get to know each other, and in general improve the networking among students in the field. The meeting will run from noon to noon. It will include presentations and invited talks. A visit to the DESY XFEL facility will be organised as well as to other places at DESY.
Group Picture
  • Alejandro Laso Garcia
  • Alexander Köhler
  • Aliakbar Ebrahimi
  • Annika Vauth
  • Axel Huebl
  • Benjamin Lutz
  • Christian Amstutz
  • Diana Jahn
  • Djorn Karnick
  • Eva Panofski
  • Felix Müller
  • Fine Fiedler
  • Florian Kroll
  • Hannes Vennekate
  • Jamal Slim
  • Julia-Marie Vogt
  • Jurjen Couperus
  • Klaus Steiniger
  • Lorenzo Rota
  • Marcel Rosenthal
  • Maria Weikum
  • Martin Schmeißer
  • Oleksiy Fedorchuk
  • Oliver Schäfer
  • Omid Zarini
  • Paul Malek
  • Pengnan Lu
  • Richard Pausch
  • Roberto Blanco
  • Sebastian Mey
  • Shuan Zhao
  • Simon Kudella
  • Stanislav Chekmenev
  • Thomas Schuh
  • Timo Dritschler
  • Monday, 23 February
    • 1
      Welcome Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

      Ties Behnke Fine Fiedler Annika Vauth Djorn Karnik Alejandro Laso Garcia
    • 2
      MaT - Where do we go from here, by the programm speaker Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

      Presentation of the programm Matter and Technologies by Ties Behnke, speaker of this programm
      Speaker: Dr Ties Behnke (DESY)
    • 13:45
      Discussion / Break Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

    • Session 1 Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

      • 3
        First results and Simulation of the ELBE SRF Gun II
        Speaker: Pengnan Lu (HZDR)
      • 4
        Radiative particle-in-cell simulations - from plasma dynamics to electromagnetic spectra
        Speaker: Richard Pausch (HZDR)
      • 5
        Gold-stud bump bonding - Interconnection technology for research and development of new detectors
        Speaker: Simon Kudella (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP), Institut für Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Elektronik (IPE))
      • 6
        Towards a High Accuracy RF Wien Filter: Electromagnetic Simulations
        Speaker: Jamal Slim (RWTH Aachen University)
    • 15:32
      Coffee break Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

    • 7
      Site visit -XFEL
    • 17:30
      Coffee break Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

    • Session 2 Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

      • 8
        Test Beam Measurements with the DESY GridGEM TPC Prototype Module
        Speaker: Mr Felix Müller (DESY FLC)
      • 9
        Investigations of the long-term stability of a GEM-TPC
        Speaker: Oleksiy Fedorchuk (DESY)
      • 10
        Spin Tracking Studies towards EDM Measurements at COSY
        Speaker: Marcel Rosenthal (FZJ)
      • 11
        An RF Wien Filter as Spin Manipulator in Storage Rings
        Speaker: Sebastian Mey (FZJ)
    • 12
      Dinner - Pizza and... Bistro


      DESY Hamburg

  • Tuesday, 24 February
    • 09:30
      Coffee Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

    • Session 3 - PhD students within Helmholtz Sem Room 4

      Sem Room 4

      DESY Hamburg

      • 13
        HGF Survey
        Speaker: Mr Alejandro Laso Garcia (HZDR)
      • 14
        Speaker: all participants
      • 15
        Speaker: Mr Alejandro Laso Garcia (HZDR)