5–8 Oct 2015
Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)
Europe/Berlin timezone


Scientific colloqium and welcome reception with Addy Pross (Ben Gurion University, Israel, NYU Shanghai, China): What is Life? How physics enables chemistry to become biology

5 Oct 2015, 18:00
SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99 (Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY))

SemRoom I-IV, CFEL, Bldg. 99

Bahrenfeld Campus ( DESY)

Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg


How was it possible for life on earth to emerge from inanimate matter, and how can the very existence of living things be explained in physical and chemical terms? Recent studies in systems chemistry are throwing new light on these long-standing questions. Based on a broader understanding of the stability concept, we'll describe how life's emergence and its subsequent evolution constitute one continuous process, thereby helping to uncover the physical and chemical roots of Darwinian theory and offering new insights into the 'what is life' question.

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