we are pleased to announce the first workshop on Science of the Program “From Matter to Materials and Life” (MML) within the Helmholtz Research Field "Matter". The workshop will take place at DESY, Hamburg from December 14th to 16th, 2016. The program MML is devoted to analyzing and modifying the structure, dynamics and function of matter and materials by the use of large-scale facilities in close collaboration with users from academic science and industry. This research is closely connected to the user operation of a wide range of research infrastructures encompassing photon-, neutron, and ion sources, high-magnetic field facilities and high power lasers. The purpose of the workshop is to present and discuss the current status of research at MML, the development of the large scale facilities, and the related instrumentation. Moreover, particular emphasis will be given to new ideas and possible new research topics for in-house research. In addition, the current developments at Helmholtz and their relevance for research in MML will be addressed. The scientific program will consist of review talks covering the most recent achievements and highlights, contributed talks, and a poster session. For the contributed talks, dedicated parallel sessions will be organized, focusing on the five in-house research topics:
• Extreme states of matter: From cold ions to hot plasmas,
• Quantum condensed matter: Magnetism, superconductivity and beyond,
• Materials and processes for energy and transport technologies,
• Nanoscience and materials for information technologies,
• Soft matter, health and life sciences.
Besides the experts in these field we encourage in particular young scientists to join the conference and to present their results. The registration is open and can be done via the registration website.
We are looking forward to seeing you in December at DESY.
With best regards
Thomas Brückel, Andreas Stierle, Thomas Stöhlker, and Edgar Weckert (Chairs)