4–7 Dec 2017
Europe/Berlin timezone

A MTCA.4 based system for the control of accelerator magnets

7 Dec 2017, 14:30



Building 99, Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg
New products and developements Session 7


Petr Vetrov (DESY, FEA)


At DESY a cost effective, MTCA.4 based system for the control of accelerator magnets is being developed. Main components are a CPU card based on a ZYNQ SoC, up to 10 high-precision Analog -I/O modules with ADCs and DACs and a dedicated backplane. The CPU card supports the basic requirements of MTCA.4: a PCIe root complex, Ethernet, MLVDS, uRTM and IPMI interfaces, and can be used as CPU unit in a standard MTCA.4 crate. It communicates with the Analog-I/O modules via direct Point-to-Point connections with 5 differential lines. Prototypes of all System components are now under production. The presentation will give an overview about the system architecture and will provide details about the CPU- and I/O boards and the backplane.

Primary author

Petr Vetrov (DESY, FEA)


Frantisek Krivan (DESY, FEA) Kay Rehlich (DESY, MCS 4) Klaus Diekmann (DESY,FEA) Manfred Zimmer (DESY, FEA) Ofir Shefer-Shalev (DESY, MSC 2) Thomas Delfs (DESY, MSC 2)

Presentation materials