Confirmed Speakers

Confirmed speakers

Peter Amann – Stockholm University, Sweden

Sudipta Roy Barman – UGC-DAE Consortium Scientific Research, Indore, India

Ralph Claessen – University of Würzburg, Germany

Julia Maibach - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Martina Müller – Research Center Jülich, Germany

Anders Nielsson – Stockholm University, Sweden

Giancarlo Panaccione - Elettra Sincrotrone Triest, Italy

Dipankar Das Sarma – Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Gerd Schönhense – University of Mainz, Germany

Micheal Sing - University of Würzburg, Germany

Hao Tjeng -Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden Germany

Christian Tusche - Research Center Jülich, Germany

Carsten Wiemann – Research Center Jülich, Germany