29–31 Oct 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific Programme

During this conference we hope to bring together theorists and experimentalists from a large variety of collaborations in particle and astroparticle physics to discuss the current playing field in dark matter research. Rather than focussing on the latest results the experiments have to offer, we want to center the talks and discussions on the different models of dark matter which are being tested (or forgotten to be tested) at the experiments and look at the complementarity the different approaches have to offer. By comparing specific models across direct, indirect and collider searches, we want to identify regions of improvement in representation and interpretation of experimental results and help to get a better view of strategies in the years to come.

Topics which will be covered:

- Simplified models covering vector/axial-vector and scalar/pseudoscalar mediators

- Long-lived particles


- Limits of EFT

- Axion-like particles

- Primordial black holes

- Sterile neutrinos

- Dark Photons

- Relic density calculations


On the closing day of the conference, a panel discussion will stimulate cross-talk between the different experimental approaches and elaborate further on talking points raised in the previous days.


A Young Scientist Forum is organised as a way for PhD students and young postdocs to highlight their research in short 10 minute talks to a diverse audience. Abstract submission can be done through this indico page.


As dark matter is a topic that also speaks to the imagination of the general public, an outreach activity will be organised on the DESY site during the conference. All participants of the conference are welcome to join. Note that the talk during the outreach activity will be in German.


Session chairs

Collider experiment: Katharina Behr, Sarah Heim, Kelly Beernaert, Alexander Grohsjean (all DESY)

Direct detection experiment: Bjorn Penning (Brandeis), Jochen Schieck (Wien)

Indirect detection experiment: Elisa Pueschel (DESY), Manuel Meyer (Stanford)

Theory: Felix Kahlhoefer (Aachen), Michael Duerr (DESY)