6–13 May 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone
NEWS: DUE TO DELAYS IN CONSTRUCTION WORK, THE "CHIEMSEE BAHN" IS NOT YET WORKING, UNFOTUNATELY! AT WEEKENDS, THERE IS A BUS CONNECTION FROM PRIEN STATION TO THE HARBOUR, WHERE THE SHIPS TO FRAUENCHIEMSEE ARE LEAVING! DURING THE WEEK THERE IS NOT BUS CONNECTION FROM PRIEN STATION TO THE HARBOUR, BUT IT IS ONLY A 20 MINUTES WALK, FOLLOW THE 'SEESTRASSE', IT GOES DIRECTLY TO THE HARBOUR. Welcome to the Linear Collider School 2018! The latest in this successful series of physics schools will take place 6-13 May 2018 at Frauenchiemsee, Germany. The school is aimed at Master- and PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working in particle physics. The programme consists of lectures covering the following topics: Future High Energy Collider (HL-LHC, LC, FCC, FCC-ee) -- e+e- Accelerators Physics-- Detector Physics -- Top/Higgs/BSM Physics Aspects -- Precision Calculations -- Physics and Philosophy -- Cosmology -- Current LC Status. We welcome presentations by students from any area of particle physics: B-factories, LHC-, LC-analyses, neutrino experiments, dark matter searches, theory etc. There is a registration fee of 400 EUR for students. Accommodation (double rooms for students), breakfast, lunch, dinner and all coffee breaks are all included in this fee!
Deadline for registration is April 20th! Please, register as soon as possible, since Frauenchiemsee is a place with high attraction for tourism. The closest airports are Munich (Germany) and Salzburg (Austria). From the airport take the train connection to Prien. At Prien station you can either walk to the harbour or you can take the Chiemseebahn, a quaint one metre gauge steam tramway. In operation since 1887 and is considered as the oldest continuously operating steam tramway in the world. Enjoy!