1–2 Oct 2018
DESY, Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Program (1.10.2018)

October 1st, 2018
Location: SemRm I (Bldg 99, EG.076)


12:00 – 13.00 Welcome (Food and Drinks served)

13:00 - 13.30 P64 – Present + Future (W. Caliebe)

13:30 - 14.30 Emission Spectroscopy (M. Bauer)

14:30 - 15.30 Time resolution and laser system (M. Rübhausen)

15:30 - 16.00 Coffee break

16:00 - 16.45 Understanding and Exploiting the NIR-emissive Molecular Ruby (K. Heinze)

16:45 - 17:30 TR x-ray experiments at 3rd generation synchrotrons (P. Zalden)

17:30 - 18:00 New equipment for pump-probe experiments at P64 (M. Naumova, A. Kalinko)

19.00    Dinner (DESY Bistro)

October 2nd, 2018
Location: SemRm I (Bldg 99, EG.076)

08.00 -  08:45 Transient Studies on entatic state models and bis(pyrazolyl)methane iron complexes (S. Herres-Pawlis)

08:45 - 09:00 Speed Presentation (All)

9:00 - 9.15 Coffee break

9:15 - 10.30 Round Table Discussion (All)
Moderation: M. Bauer, M. Rübhausen, W. Caliebe