11–13 Nov 2009
DESY, Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.
Welcome to the Annual Workshop of the Terascale Alliance in 2009 :-) This is the third workshop after the kick-off workshop in Dec 2007 at DESY and last years workshop in Aachen. We hope it will be again a very successful event! Time is provided for parallel sessions of the LHC-D working groups as well as for the other Alliance activities: Analysis project, Detector development, Grid computing and Accelerator research; in addition we will organise some extra highlight talks. We will also take care of your physical well being by providing coffee & cookies, a welcome reception and a conference dinner. Local organisers: Olaf Behnke (co-chair), Isabell Melzer-Pellmann (co-chair), Ties Behnke, Ian Brock, Michaela Grimm, Albert Knutsson Scientific Programme: Wolfgang Hillert, Michael Kraemer, Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius, Arno Straessner The registration fee for the meeting is 30 EUR. Registration is open from August 1, please use the registration form. For accommodation see the link provided in the left navigation bar. The agenda will be updated with further details in due time.
DESY, Hamburg
Notkestrasse 85 22607 Hamburg