** New date confirmed: 24 to 26 March 2021 at 15:00pm CET (7:00am PDT; 22:00pm CST) as an online event**
Cavity-Based Free-Electron Lasers (CBXFELs) promise true laser-like radiation properties in the X-ray regime. In addition to an XFEL Oscillator (XFELO) driven by a linear accelerator, an XFELO driven by, and integrated into, a low-emittance storage ring was proposed. A potentially less challenging but broader bandwidth CBXFEL is the Regenerative Amplifier (RAFEL) driven by an electron accelerator. These advanced concepts have created excitement in the X-ray community and initial demonstration projects have started or are under discussion at several laboratories. The requirements for the various sub-systems (accelerator, optical cavity, diagnostics, etc.) vary between the different schemes and are being actively developed. Potential scientific application areas have been proposed but, as the X-ray radiation parameters become better defined, the impact of CBXFELs on existing X-ray techniques and their ability to enable totally new X-ray techniques will become clearer. There will, of course, be iterative development with the needs of the X-ray techniques and scientific applications helping to refine the performance requirements of the CBXFELs.
Goals of this workshop will be:
This international workshop will bring together experts in areas related to the construction of CBXFELs (meaning the accelerator and various X-ray instrumentation areas), scientists with expertise in the development and application of various X-ray techniques, as well as scientists from potential scientific application areas. Besides keynote talks about accelerator and X-ray optical concepts, science case presentations with ample time for discussions will identify potential scientific breakthrough areas for these sources.
The objectives of the workshop are:
- Developing a summary of the various concepts for CBXFELs and related schemes, including projected X-ray radiation performance parameters for the respective schemes.
Describing initial concepts for accelerator, X-ray optics and other X-ray instrumentation systems.
Identification of the most important performance requirements for each critical subsystems.
Selection of promising X-ray techniques and identification of scientific opportunities to enable focused workshops within targeted science communities to develop strong science cases.
Workshop organizing committee:
- Winfried Decking (DESY)
- Paul Fuoss (SLAC)
- Jerome B. Hastings (SLAC)
- Kwang-Je Kim (ANL)
- Anders Madsen (EuXFEL)
- Ralf Röhlsberger (U Jena)
- Robert Schoenlein (SLAC)
- Harald Sinn (EuXFEL)
- Thomas Tschentscher (EuXFEL)
Local organizing committee:
- Thomas Tschentscher
- Anders Madsen
- Harald Sinn
- Ralf Röhlsberger
- Nicoletta Mattioli