Workshop 1. Career orientation for scientists
3 June 2020, 9 am - 5 pm, online via Zoom
Note: The Zoom meeting details will be e-mailed to all registrants prior to the workshop.
The training has an active workshop character and includes coaching elements, as well as methods for self analysis and reflection. The training aims to build the basis to create an individual vision and career strategy plan for every participant, based on the identification of individual resources. The process is also driven by trainer-to-participant as well as peer-to-peer consultation and inspiration.
- Motivation analysis: What makes me happy and productive?
- Value identification & reflection: What are my values?
- Which values are important for my future career?
- Identification of personal needs and resources
- Development of your professional vision
- Development of a career goal, strategy & action plan
- Communication: How to sell yourself & get your strengths across
- Networking: Analysis & how to widen and keep a supporting network
- Mission possible: Tips to enter the job-jungle
The training profits from the interaction, inspiration & creativity of the participating group members.
Dr. Diana Deterra is a systemic management coach and has a PhD in biochemistry (Universität Hamburg). Diana has a broad industry knowledge about the service and health sector. She is familiar with the demands, processes and problems of the analytical and scientific area. Diana has some 8 years of professional experience in research institutions, as Chief Scientific Officer, and in the areas of start-ups, innovation and business development.