Sergio Ernesto Aguilar Gutierrez
(KU Leuven)
We consider multiverse models in two-dimensional linear dilaton-gravity theories as toy models of false vacuum eternal inflation. Coupling conformal matter we calculate the Von Neumann entropy of subregions. When these are sufficiently large we find that an island develops covering most of the rest of the multiverse, leading to a Page-like transition. This resonates with a description of multiverse models in semiclassical quantum cosmology, where a measure for local predictions is given by saddle point geometries which coarse-grain over any structure associated with eternal inflation beyond one's patch.
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Primary authors
Sergio Ernesto Aguilar Gutierrez
(KU Leuven)
Thomas Hertog
(KU Leuven)
Aidan Chatwin-Davies
(U. of British Columbia; KU Leuven)
Natalia Pinzani-Fokeeva
(MIT; Florence U)
Brandon Robinson
(KU Leuven)