28–30 Oct 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone
This workshop will be held as an online event!

List of Posters

The poster sessions will take place on Wednesday 28th of October at 16:00 until 18:15 and will be held at the platform REMO.co.




For further technical information on the poster sessions please click here.


Poster list and floor allocation:

ID Title Presenter REMO FLOOR  
0 Biomedical Imaging using the GINIX setup Markus Osterhoff 1  
1 P11 at PETRA IV

Eva Crosas

Morphology of Regular and Irregular Hydrogels derived from Nups: Scanning micro- and nano- SAXS and Computational Modelling
Naireeta Biswas 1  
3 Competitive adsorption of particles and lipids at the oil/water interface Michael Maas 1  
4 Human antibacterial peptides modify the structure of lipid monolayers upon interfacial adsorption Beate Kloesgen 1  
5 Redox regulation of the S/T protein kinase PknG from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Lucas Defelipe 1  
6 Opportunities for advanced BioSAXS on PETRAIV Andrey Gruzinov 1  
7 Structural studies of the yeast endocytic adaptor complex Javier Lizarrondo 1  
8 Discussion for Soft Matter Surfaces and Interfaces session Chen Shen 1  
9 Nanoscale 3D mapping of biomineral composition and properties in human bone Jonas Palle 1  
10 Low-temperature structural crossover in protein hydration water Maddalena Bin 1  
11 P10 goes PIV Michael Sprung & Fabian Westermeier 1  
12 Lipid Assisted Self-assembly of Oxidized Graphene at Air-water Interface Priya Mandal 1  
13 Soft Matter in Artificial Nanoporous Solids: From Self-Assembly in Nanopores to Dynamically Adaptive Materials Kathrin Sentker 1  
14 Full field imaging of insect collections using SRµCT in combination with DISC3D Michael Heethoff 1  
15 Real-Time Sputter Deposition at PETRA IV Matthias Schwartzkopf 2  
16 Multiscale analysis of xylary plants Martin Nopens 2  
17 Bacterial Membrane Models and Antibiotics – How to Apply X-Ray Techniques to Understand Antibiotic Resistance Christian Wölk 2  
18 A vision for microbeam irradiation research at PETRA IV Elisabeth Schültke 2  
19 A diffractometer for investigation of solid surfaces, interfaces and ultrathin films Florian Bertram 2  
20 A diffractometer for investigation of liquid/liquid and liquid/vapor interfaces Bridget Murphy & Chen Shen 2  
21 A heavy load diffractometer for UHV and thin film growth chambers Arka Dey & Florian Bertram 2  
22 A high throughput diffraction endstation for surfaces, interfaces and ultrathin films Chen Shen & Florian Bertram 2  
23 Blueprints for Future X-ray Absorption (and Emission) Spectroscopy at PETRA IV Wolfgang Caliebe & Edmund Welter 2  
24 Proposals for future P2.02 Hanns-Peter Liermann 2