19–21 Jan 2021
Virtual Meeting
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific Programme

  • Working Groups

    The list of work packages chosen in the Scientific Program Committee is shown below. If you intend to contribute to the discussions, please contact the mentioned conveners.

  • WG1 Cryomodule Testing and Linac Operation

    Conveners: Serena Barbanotti (DESY), Sang-Hoon Kim (FRIB), Yasuchika (Kirk) Yamamoto (KEK)

    Several SRF linac projects or upgrades have recently come on-line. Several others are in the advance prototyping phase where whole cryomodules or prototype assemblies are being qualified in horizontal test centres. WG1 is focused on the performance of operational cryomodules or cryomodules during qualification before installation on-line. The discussions would include such topics as dark current and radiation damage, the calibration of cavity gradient, the performance after thermal-cycling and cryogenic aspects including the measurement of dynamic heat load. WG1 is asked to concentrate on the integration of components rather than on the performance of single subcomponents.

  • WG2 Progress in high Q and high gradient

    Conveners: David Longuevergne (IJCLab Orsay), Martina Martinello (FNAL), Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)

    The scope of this working group is to discuss the most recent results related to pushing niobium towards higher Q and higher gradient. Advances in understanding material evolution under established but also newly developed heat treatments, such as N-Infusion, N-Doping, Low-T Bake and Mid-T Bake, the differences and advantages of low-temperature EP compared with conventional EP, and current results on flux-expulsion studies should be discussed. The presentations and discussion should include results from both elliptical and TEM mode cavities. The interplay between theoretical approaches and experiments should be emphasized. Results from sample and cavity studies (different cavity types and frequencies) which could help to establish a core understanding should be included. Finally new results from alternative materials like Nb3Sn, thin films and multilayers should also be presented and discussed.

  • Plenary Session

    The Plenary Session scheduled for the last day will highlight selected activities in all three regions.

    • “New SRF infrastructures in China”, (30 min.) by Dong Wang (SHINE)
    • “XFEL operational experience”, (30 min.) (FE, trips, statistics, LLRF) by Julien Branlard (DESY)
    • “SRF challenges for the EIC project” (30 min.) by Qiong Wu (Brookhaven)
  • TTC Technical Board

    The TTC Technical Board meeting will be held virtually as well. The chosen timeslot is Monday, January 18th, 2020, 14:30 til 16:00 DESY time.

  • TTC Collaboration Board

    The TTC Collaboration Board meeting will be held virtually as well. The chosen timeslot is Monday, January 18th, 2020, 16:30 til 17:30 DESY time.