12–23 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

High-energy reconstruction for showers and tau neutrinos using the KM3NeT detector

15 Jul 2021, 18:00
1h 30m


Poster NU | Neutrinos & Muons Discussion


Thijs van Eeden (Nikhef)


The discovery of a high-energy cosmic neutrino flux has paved the way for the field of neutrino astronomy. High-energy neutrino sources are yet to be discovered; the KM3NeT detector, which is under construction in the Mediterranean sea, is designed to determine their origin. KM3NeT will instrument a cubic kilometre of seawater with photomultiplier tubes that detect Cherenkov radiation from neutrino interaction products with nanosecond precision. For single shower event topologies, traditional algorithms reconstruct the Cherenkov cone using the spatial distribution of photons, already achieving $\sim2^\circ$ median angular resolution. The arrival time of light can be used to improve the identification of double-shower topologies from tau neutrinos, and the angular resolution of both shower topologies. In this poster, we present new reconstruction algorithms that use the time information and discuss their performances. Sub-degree resolution can be achieved in both cases.


shower; reconstruction; tau; timing information; double bang; electron; KM3NeT; angular resolution; tau neutrino; shower reconstruction; Cherenkov; pmt; photomultiplier; photons; neutrino telescope

Subcategory Experimental Methods & Instrumentation
Collaboration KM3NeT

Primary authors


Dr Aart Heijboer (Nikhef)

Presentation materials