12–23 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Millisecond Pulsars Modify the Radio-SFR Correlation

16 Jul 2021, 18:00
1h 30m


Talk MM | Multi-Messenger Discussion


Takahiro Sudoh


The observed correlation between the far-infrared and radio luminosities of galaxies illustrates the close connection between star formation and cosmic-ray production. Intriguingly, recent LOFAR observations find a peculiar radio excess in galaxies with low star-formation rates and high stellar masses. We show that recycled/millisecond pulsars (MSPs) can dominate the nonthermal emission in these massive quiescent galaxies and explain the excess. This is in line with recent gamma-ray observation suggesting that MSPs may also efficiently accelerate cosmic-ray electrons. We find that MSP-based models provide a significantly improved fit to the LOFAR data. We discuss the implications for the radio and gamma-ray excesses in M31 and local electron and positron observations.


"Pulsars; cosmic-ray electrons; radio emission; galaxies"

Subcategory Theoretical Results

Primary authors

Takahiro Sudoh Prof. Tim Linden (Stockholm University) John Beacom (Ohio State University)

Presentation materials