12–23 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

FACT - Database-based Analysis and Spectrum Calculations

16 Jul 2021, 18:00
1h 30m


Poster GAI | Gamma Ray Indirect Discussion


Bernd Schleicher (University of Wuerzburg)


The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) is a telescope located at the Observatory Roque de los Muchachos on the Canary island La Palma. It uses the imaging air Cherenkov technique to detect gamma rays. With the help of the silicon based photosensors of the camera, FACT is a perfect instrument to monitor a small sample of sources with a high cadence. The automatic operation of the telescope allows an increase of the duty cycle of the instrument. The SQL database is part of the automatic analysis chain, which is used to store the data event-wise basis. This way of storing the data has a lot of advantages. It provides easy web-access to all taken data with no need of creating different user accounts for the analysers and without using special software or powerful hardware. The data selection is done via simple queries to the database. This allows very flexible and powerful queries with for example user defined time binning or background suppression. By using observed and simulated events, the complete analysis chain can be done up to calculating the measured energy spectrum. This could also be implemented to the Quick Look Analysis to provide the information during the night with a low latency.


First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope; FACT; Imaging Air Cherenkov Technique; Analysis; Database;

Subcategory Experimental Methods & Instrumentation
other Collaboration FACT

Primary authors

Bernd Schleicher (University of Wuerzburg) Axel Arbet-Engels (ETH Zürich) Dominik Baack (TU Dortmund) Matteo Balbo (ISDC, Univeristé de Genève) Noah Biederbeck (TU Dortmund) Adrian Biland (ETH Zurich) Thomas Bretz (RWTH Aachen University) Jens Buss (Lehrstuhl für Astroteilchenphysik TU Dortmund) Daniela Dorner (Universität Würzburg) Laura Eisenberger (University of Wurzburg) Dominik Elsaesser (TU Dortmund) Dorothee Hildebrand (ETH Zurich) Roman Iotov (Julius Maximilians University Wuerzburg, FACT) Prof. Karl Mannheim (Universität Würzburg) Dominik Neise (ETH Zurich) Maximilian Noethe (TU Dortmund) Aleksander Paravac (University of Wurzburg) Prof. Wolfgang Rhode Sliusar Vitalii (Université de Genève) Dr Roland Walter (University of Geneve)

Presentation materials