12–23 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Reconstructing inclined extensive air showers from radio measurements

13 Jul 2021, 18:00
1h 30m


Talk CRI | Cosmic Ray Indirect Discussion


Tim Huege (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Vrije Universiteit Brussel)


We present a reconstruction algorithm for extensive air showers with zenith angles between 65° and 85° measured with radio antennas in the 30-80 MHz band. Our algorithm is based on a signal model derived from CoREAS simulations which explicitly takes into account the asymmetries introduced by the superposition of charge-excess and geomagnetic radiation as well as by early-late effects. We exploit correlations among fit parameters to reduce the dimensionality and thus ensure stability of the fit procedure. Our approach reaches a reconstruction efficiency near 100% with an intrinsic resolution for the reconstruction of the electromagnetic energy of well below 5%. It can be employed in upcoming large-scale radio detection arrays using the 30-80 MHz band, in particular the AugerPrime Radio detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory, and can likely be adapted to experiments such as GRAND operating at higher frequencies.


extensive air showers; radio detection; reconstruction algorithms

Subcategory Experimental Methods & Instrumentation

Primary authors

Tim Huege (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Felix Schlüter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Institute for Astroparticle Physics)

Presentation materials