12–23 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Measurements of the charge ratio and polarization of cosmic ray muons with the Super-Kamiokande detector

14 Jul 2021, 18:00
1h 30m


Poster CRI | Cosmic Ray Indirect Discussion


Hussain Kitagawa (Okayama University)


Cosmic ray muons arise from the showers of secondary particles produced in the interactions of primary cosmic particles with air nuclei at the top of the atmosphere. The interaction products, pions and kaons composing showers mostly decay to muons reflect the details of the hadronic interactions depending on their energy. Measurements of the charge ratio and polarization of cosmic ray muons can be used to constrain high energy hadronic interaction models in the atmosphere. Previous measurements have been performed in various experiments. Kamiokande measured the charge ratio and polarization as 1.37+/-0.06(stat)+/-0.01(syst) and 0.26+/-0.04(stat)+/-0.05(syst), respectively, at the sea level momentum of 1.2 TeV/c. In this presentation, we will report the current status of the measurement of the charge ratio and polarization using data collected by the Super-Kamiokande detector located at a depth of 2700 m of water equivalent.


Cosmic ray muons; Charge ratio; Polarization

Subcategory Experimental Results
Collaboration other (fill field below)
other Collaboration Super-Kamiokande

Primary author

Hussain Kitagawa (Okayama University)


Yuuki Nakano (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, the university of Tokyo) Yusuke Koshio

Presentation materials