12–23 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Simulation and Optimisation for the Radar Echo Telescope for Cosmic Rays

13 Jul 2021, 18:00
1h 30m


Poster CRI | Cosmic Ray Indirect Discussion


Rose Stanley (IIHE - VUB)


The Radar Echo Telescope for Cosmic Rays (RET-CR) will use the radar echo technique to detect the in-ice continuation of an ultra high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) air shower. When a UHECR particle cascade propagates into a high-elevation ice sheet, it produces a dense in-ice cascade of charged particles which can reflect incoming radio waves. Through the detection of transmitted radio waves, the energy and direction of the UHECR can be reconstructed. RET-CR will consist of a transmitter array, receiver antennas and a surface scintillator plate array.

In this poster we present the simulation efforts for RET-CR performed to optimise the surface array layout and triggering system, which finally leads to the prediction of the expected event rate. Showers are generated using the CORSIKA Monte Carlo code. The energy deposits in the scintillators are then found by propagating the particle output from CORSIKA through the scintillating material in Geant4. Thresholds are applied to the energy deposits to determine which showers trigger providing the surface detector efficiency. Additionally, CoREAS is used to generate radio emission which will be used to reconstruct events with the surface array. For the prediction of the event rate seen by the in-ice radar system, we use a simulation chain of existing and new tools. UHECR showers are generated using the CORSIKA Monte Carlo code, which are then propagated through a realistic ice layer using Geant4. The energy depositions from the Geant4 simulations were subsequently used in RadioScatter to calculate the radar scatter amplitude to trigger the in-ice system leading to a prediction of the expected event rates for the RET-CR detector.


cosmic ray; radio; radar; air showers;

Subcategory Future projects
Collaboration other (fill field below)
other Collaboration Radar Echo Telescope Collaboration

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