26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Prospects for the measurement of σH x BR(H → μμ) at a 3-TeV muon collider

Not scheduled


Poster Higgs Physics T09: Higgs Physics


Alessandro Montella (INFN Trieste and University of Trieste)


Among the projects currently under study for the next generation of particle accelerators, the muon collider represents a unique machine, which has the capability to provide leptonic collisions at energies of several TeV. The multi-TeV energy regime is as yet unexplored and holds a huge physical potential that will enable a novel research programme ranging from high precision measurements of known standard model processes to high-sensitivity searches for phenomena beyond the standard model. A multi-TeV muon collider will produce huge samples of Higgs bosons that will allow a precise determination of the Higgs boson properties, like its couplings to fermions and bosons and its trilinear and quartic self-couplings with unprecedented precision.
This contribution will present an estimate of the muon collider reach on the production of the process H → μμ, one of the rarest Higgs boson decays that represents a gateway to the determination of the Higgs boson coupling to the second generation leptons.

First author Alessandro Montella
Email alessandro.d.montella@gmail.com
Collaboration / Activity Muon Collider

Primary authors

Alessandro Montella (INFN Trieste and University of Trieste) Massimo Casarsa (INFN Trieste) Vieri Candelise (University of Trieste and INFN Trieste)


Chiara Aimè (INFN Pavia, University of Pavia) Paolo Andreetto (INFN Padua and University of Padua) Laura Buonincontri (INFN Padua and University of Padua) Alessio Gianelle (INFN Padua and University of Padua) Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab) Donatella Lucchesi (INFN Padua and University of Padua) Nazar Bartosik (INFN Torino) Simone Pagan Griso (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Nadia Pastrone (INFN Turin) Cristina Riccardi (Università degli Studi di Pavia, INFN Pavia ) Paola Salvini (INFN Pavia) Lorenzo Sestini (INFN Padua and University of Padua) Ilaria Vai (Università di Bergamo and INFN Pavia) Anna Colaleo (University of Bari and INFN Bari) Angela Zaza (University of Bari and INFN Bari) Paola Mastrapasqua (University of Bari and INFN Bari) Rosamaria Venditti (University of Bari and INFN Bari)

Presentation materials