26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Status of the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search at SNOLAB

27 Jul 2021, 10:50


Parallel session talk Dark Matter T03: Dark Matter


Guillaume Oliviéro (Carleton University)


The latest results from DEAP-3600 will be presented. DEAP-3600 is a single-phase liquid argon (LAr) dark matter detector operating 2 km underground at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Canada. The detector consists of 3.3 tonnes of LAr in a spherical acrylic vessel viewed by an array of 255 photomultiplier tubes. DEAP-3600 has been taking data stably since November 2016. Background events that can mimic dark matter particles' signature can be produced in the detector by different sources including beta/gamma interactions in the LAr and acrylic vessel, neutron-induced nuclear recoils and alpha decays. Analysis of the data taken so far demonstrates the power of pulse shape discrimination (PSD) used to suppress background events. This presentation will feature recent DEAP-3600 performance results, the status of the background model, and the most sensitive limit on WIMP dark matter search using a LAr target. This result is reinterpreted with a more general Non-Relativistic Effective Field Theory (NREFT) framework where DEAP-3600 has leading sensitivity for some model parameters. In addition, we also explore how various possible sub-structures in the local dark matter halo may affect the constraints on WIMP-nucleon interactions.

First author Oliviéro, Guillaume
Email oliviero@physics.carleton.ca
Collaboration / Activity DEAP-3600

Primary author

Guillaume Oliviéro (Carleton University)

Presentation materials