26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

COSINUS: a NaI-based experiment for Dark Matter search

26 Jul 2021, 15:35


Parallel session talk Dark Matter T03: Dark Matter


Natalia Di Marco


The COSINUS (Cryogenic Observatory for SIgnals seen in Next-generation Underground Searches) project aims to provide a model-independent cross-check of the long-standing
DAMA/LIBRA claim on the observation of dark matter.

The use of sodium iodide (NaI) crystals, operated at cryogenic temperature as scintillating calorimeters, offers both a low energy threshold for nuclear recoils and the possibility to perform signal-to-background discrimination on an event-by-event basis thanks to the dual and independent read-out of both phonon and light signals.

The construction of the COSINUS apparatus will begin in summer 2021 and the data taking will start in 2022.
In this talk we will present the detection principle and the performance together with status and future prospects of the project.

First author Natalia Di Marco
Email natalia.dimarco@gssi.it
Collaboration / Activity None

Primary author

Presentation materials