26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Supernova signals of light dark matter

26 Jul 2021, 17:10


Parallel session talk Dark Matter T03: Dark Matter


William DeRocco (Stanford University)


By virtue of their high temperatures, supernovae can produce large fluxes of MeV-scale dark matter even at couplings stronger than those constrained by cooling. In this region of parameter space, the dark matter can become diffusively trapped by scatterings within the protoneutron star, ultimately escaping with semirelativistic velocity. I will show that this can lead to the formation of a diffuse Galactic flux of supernova-produced dark matter. Furthermore, I will show that this population’s high velocity compensates for its low mass and allows it to be detected in direct detection experiments designed for GeV-scale WIMPs. I will conclude with a discussion of the potential to discriminate this dark matter from a cosmological abundance of WIMPs using directionality.

First author William DeRocco
Email wderocco@stanford.edu
Collaboration / Activity SITP

Primary author

William DeRocco (Stanford University)

Presentation materials