26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Progress in the doubly charged Higgs bosons studies at high energy colliders

Not scheduled


Poster Searches for New Physics T10: Searches for New Physics


Bartosz Dziewit (University of Silesia in Katowice)


We consider the Higgs Triplet Model HTM not restricted by the custodial symmetry and the Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model MLRSM. The models include scalar triplets with different complexity of scalar potentials and, due to experimental restrictions, completely different scales of non-standard triplet vacuum expectation values. In both models, a doubly charged Higgs boson $H^{\pm\pm}$ can acquire a mass of hundreds of gigaelectronvolts, which can be probed at HL-LHC, future $e^+e^-$, and hadron colliders.
We analyze the doubly charged Higgs bosons $H^{\pm\pm}$ pair production in $e^+e^-$ and $pp$ colliders with their subsequent decays to four charged leptons.
We take into account a comprehensive set of constraints on the parameters of both models coming from neutrino oscillations, LHC, $e^+e^-$ and low-energy lepton flavour violating data and assume the same mass of $H^{\pm\pm}$. Our finding is that the $H^{\pm\pm}$ pair production in lepton and hadron colliders is comparable in both models, though more pronounced in MLRSM.
We show that the decay branching ratios can be different within both models, leading to distinguishable four lepton signals and that the strongest are $4\mu$ events yielded by MLRSM. We analyze also the associative production of the doubly charged scalar with the Standard Model gauge bosons and both singly and neutral Higgs bosons. We estimate in the context of the present (HL-LHC) and future (FCC-hh) hadron colliders the most promising processes where a single produced doubly charged Higgs boson is involved.

First author Bartosz Dziewit
Email bartosz.dziewit@us.edu.pl
Collaboration / Activity FCC activity

Primary authors

Bartosz Dziewit (University of Silesia in Katowice) Janusz Gluza (Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland) Magdalena Kordiaczyńska (University of Silesia in Katowice) Tripurari Srivastava (Physical Research Laboratory)

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