26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Subleading colour effects and spin correlations in the PanScales showers

30 Jul 2021, 10:30


Parallel session talk QCD and Hadronic Physics T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics


Ludovic Scyboz (University of Oxford)


In the context of the PanScales parton shower project I will describe two advances in the development of final-state parton showers with controlled logarithmic accuracy. The first (arXiv:2011.10054) involves simple new algorithms to resolve the long-standing issue of incorrect subleading-colour contributions at leading logarithmic (LL) accuracy in dipole- and antenna-type showers, and also enables the PanScales showers to obtain full-colour NLL accuracy for many observables. The second (arXiv:2103.16526) concerns spin correlations, where we propose a spinor-product based implementation of the well-established Collins algorithm. We verify the logarithmic accuracy of the results with separate purely collinear calculations, using novel spin-sensitive jet observables that are of potential interest also for future experimental measurements.

First author Ludovic Scyboz
Email ludovic.scyboz@physics.ox.ac.uk
Collaboration / Activity PanScales

Primary authors

Dr Alexander Karlberg (University of Oxford) Prof. Gavin Salam (University of Oxford, All Souls College) Dr Gregory Soyez (IPhT Saclay) Dr Keith Hamilton (University College London) Ludovic Scyboz (University of Oxford) Dr Rob Verheyen (University College London) Mr Rok Medves (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials