26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

A Meta-Analysis of LHC Results

28 Jul 2021, 17:00


Parallel session talk Searches for New Physics T10: Searches for New Physics


Ms Sevim Açıksöz (1) Boğaziçi University Department of Physics, İstanbul, Turkey 2) Turkey R&D Intelligent Application DC Department, Huawei Technologies, İstanbul, Turkey)


We report the results of a meta-analysis conducted to examine possible biases in the uncertainty values published in papers by the LHC experiments. Due to limited availability of computer readable data, we perform this analysis using custom developed python code that extracts the information from the vector graphics source files of the plots in the papers. The aim is to compute the percentages of the data points scattered within 1-sigma and 2-sigma bands of the plots and verify whether the measured percentages agree with statistical norms assuming unbiased estimations of the uncertainties.

First author Sevim Açıksöz
Email sevimaciksoz@gmail.com
Collaboration / Activity Statistical Analysis

Primary authors

Ms Sevim Açıksöz (1) Boğaziçi University Department of Physics, İstanbul, Turkey 2) Turkey R&D Intelligent Application DC Department, Huawei Technologies, İstanbul, Turkey) Prof. Veysi Erkcan Özcan (1) Boğaziçi University Department of Physics, İstanbul, Turkey 2) Feza Gürsey Center for Physics & Mathematics, Boğaziçi University, Üsküdar, İstanbul)

Presentation materials