26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Combining Dual-Readout Crystals and Fibers in a Hybrid Calorimeter for the IDEA Experiment

30 Jul 2021, 10:30


Parallel session talk Detector R&D and Data Handling T12: Detector R&D and Data Handling


Marco Toliman Lucchini (Università & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))


Crystal calorimetry has a long history of pushing the frontier of high energy resolution measurements for EM particles. Recent technological developments in the fields of crystal manufacturing and photodetector developments (SiPMs) have opened new perspectives on how a segmented crystal calorimeter with dual-readout capabilities could be exploited for particle detectors at future collider experiments. In this contribution, we will discuss how a EM crystal calorimeter can be cost-effectively integrated with the fiber-based calorimeter of the IDEA detector to achieve an energy resolution of $3\%/\sqrt{E}$ for EM particles and $27\%/\sqrt{E}$ for neutral hadrons. We will also show how the extension of the dual-readout method in such a longitudinally segmented hybrid calorimeter can achieve an energy resolution close to 5\% for 50 GeV jets and discuss the potential of such calorimeter in the context of future particle flow algorithms.

First author Lucchini, Marco Toliman
Email marco.toliman.lucchini@cern.ch
Collaboration / Activity IDEA proto collaboration

Primary authors

Marco Toliman Lucchini (Università & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) Iacopo Vivarelli (University of Sussex) Lorenzo Pezzotti (CERN)

Presentation materials