26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Online DAQ and slow control interface for the Mu2e experiment

28 Jul 2021, 09:30


Parallel session talk Detector R&D and Data Handling T12: Detector R&D and Data Handling


Antonio Gioiosa (Universitiy and INFN Pisa)


The muon campus program at Fermilab includes the Mu2e experiment that will search for a charged-lepton flavor violating processes where a negative muon converts into an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus, improving by four orders of magnitude the search sensitivity reached so far.
Mu2e’s Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TDAQ) uses {\it otsdaq} as its solution. Developed at Fermilab, {\it otsdaq} uses the {\it artdaq} DAQ framework and {\it art} analysis framework, under-the-hood, for event transfer, filtering, and processing.
{\it otsdaq} is an online DAQ software suite with a focus on flexibility and scalability, while providing a multi-user, web-based, interface accessible through a web browser.
A Detector Control System (DCS) for monitoring, controlling, alarming, and archiving has been developed using the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) open source Platform. The DCS System has also been integrated into {\it otsdaq}.

First author Antonio Gioiosa
Email antonio.gioiosa@df.unipi.it
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