26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

The h(125) decays to c cbar, b bbar, b sbar, photon photon and gluon gluon in the light of the MSSM with quark flavor violation

26 Jul 2021, 15:40


Parallel session talk Higgs Physics T09: Higgs Physics


Keisho Hidaka (Tokyo Gakugei University)


We study the Higgs boson decays h -> c cbar, b bbar, b sbar, photon photon
and gluon gluon in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with
general quark flavor violation (QFV), identifying the h with the Higgs boson
with a mass of 125 GeV. We compute the widths of the h decays to c cbar,
b bbar, b sbar (s bbar) at full one-loop level in the MSSM with QFV.
For the h decays to photon photon and gluon gluon we compute the widths
at NLO QCD level. We perform a MSSM parameter scan respecting theoretical
constraints from vacuum stability conditions and experimental constraints,
such as those from K- and B-meson data and electroweak precision data, as
well as recent limits on Supersymmetric (SUSY) particle masses and the
125 GeV Higgs boson data from LHC experiments.

From the parameter scan, we find the followings:

(1) DEV(h -> c cbar) and DEV(h -> b bbar) can be very large simultaneously:
DEV(h -> c cbar) can be as large as ~ +/-60% and
DEV(h -> b bbar) can be as large as ~ +/-20%.
Here DEV(h -> X Y) is the deviation of the decay width Gamma(h -> X Y)
in the MSSM from the SM prediction:
DEV(h -> X Y) = Gamma(h -> X Y)_MSSM / Gamma(h -> X Y)_SM - 1.

(2) The QFV decay branching ratio BR(h -> b sbar / bbar s) can be as
large as about 0.17% in the MSSM. It is almost zero in the SM.
The sensitivity of ILC(250 + 500 + 1000) to this decay BR could be
about 0.1% at 4 sigma signal significance.

(3) DEV(h -> photon photon) and DEV(h -> gluon gluon) can be large
simultaneously: DEV(h -> photon photon) can be as large as about + 4% and
DEV(h -> gluon gluon) can be as large as about -15%.

(4) There is a very strong correlation between DEV(h -> photon photon)
and DEV(h -> gluon gluon). This correlation is due to the fact that the
stop-loop (stop-scharm mixture loop) contributions dominate the two DEVs.

(5) The deviation of the width ratio Gamma(h -> photon photon)/Gamma(h ->
gluon gluon) in the MSSM from the SM value can be as large as about +20%.

(6) All of these large deviations in the h decays are due to large
scharm-stop mixing and large stop/scharm involved trilinear couplings
T_{U23}, T_{U32}, T_{U33} and large sstrange-sbottom mixing and large
sstrange/sbottom involved trilinear couplings T_{D23}, T_{D32}, T_{D33}.

(7) ILC can observe such large deviations from SM at high signal significance.

(8) In case the deviation pattern shown here is really observed at ILC,
then it would strongly suggest the discovery of QFV SUSY (MSSM with QFV).

Note: This work is based on collaboration with H. Eberl and E. Ginina (HEPHY Vienna).

Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 015007 [arXiv:1411.2840 [hep-ph]]
JHEP 1606 (2016) 143 [arXiv:1604.02366 [hep-ph]]
IJMP A34 (2019) 1950120 [arXiv:1812.08010 [hep-ph]]

First author Keisho Hidaka
Email hidaka@u-gakugei.ac.jp
Collaboration / Activity Vienna SUSY Group

Primary authors

Keisho Hidaka (Tokyo Gakugei University) Helmut Eberl (Hephy Vienna) Dr Elena Ginina (Hephy Vienna)

Presentation materials