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From Big Data to Smart Data: Digitalisation in basic scientific research
The BMBF has published the action plan "ErUM-Data - from Big Data to Smart Data". The aim of the action plan is to exploit the full potential of digital solutions in fundamental research in order to ensure excellent research in the future and to meet our social challenges at the same time.
To this end, the action plan defines measures in the three overarching thematic fields of "Research Data Management", "Federated Digital Infrastructures" and "Software and Algorithms". It is important that researchers work together on an interdisciplinary basis, i.e. from different areas of ErUM (Research on Universe and Matter) and from different disciplines, such as physics, mathematics, computer science and data sciences.
We invite you to join us in an online meeting to prepare for the upcoming ErUM-Data proposal call, at a cross community meeting on the 18th and 19th of January.
Pleanar speakers: Dr. Mikael Gast (BMBF), Prof. Martin Erdmann (RWTH Aachen University)
If you would like more information, you are welcome to contact the organisers/chairs: Bridget Murphy Kiel (CAU Kiel), Kilian Schwarz (GSI), Markus Schumacher (Uni-Freiburg), Erik Bründermann (KIT), Christian Gutt (Uni-Siegen), Andreas Haungs (KIT), and Matthias Kreuzeder (DESY).
Image copyright CERN/Thomas Mc Cauely