19–21 Apr 2021
via Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone


Superconducting undulators (SCUs) can produce higher photon flux and can cover a wider photon energy range compared to permanent magnet undulators (PMUs) with the same vacuum gap and period length. This potential has been demonstrated with real devices operating with electron beam only in the past few years both at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) synchrotron and at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratories (ANL). Another advantage of SCUs with respect to PMUs is radiation hardness, widely demonstrated for NbTi magnets. This is and will become an increasingly important issue with the small gaps in the newest machines as round beam diffraction limited storage rings (DLSRs) and X-ray free electron lasers (FELs). Application in such new machines offers new possibilities, as exploring new magnetic field geometries, as well as challenges, as tighter alignment tolerances. The high field and short period of SCUs makes them very attractive also for compact light sources.

Goals of this workshop will be:

This international workshop will bring together experts in areas related to the design, construction and magnetic characterization of SCUs, engineers with expertise in cryogenics, as well as accelerator physicists. In addition to presentations about operational experience of SCUs in accelerators and the measurement systems used for characterization, the practical challenges for deploying SCUs on FELs and DLSRs together with the R&D topics to be addressed will be presented and discussed. A session with contribution from industry will be included.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  • Developing a summary of the parameters for applications at XFELs and DLSRs
  • Describing requirements for plasma-based accelerators
  • Identify need and challenges of different magnetic geometries for helical SCUs
  • Selection of existing technologies applicable for present projects and potential technologies for future projects
  • R&D to be addressed for present and future projects

Workshop program committee:

  • John Byrd (ANL)
  • Sara Casalbuoni (EuXFEL)
  • Andreas Grau (KIT)
  • Wim Leemans (DESY)
  • Soren Prestemon (LBNL)
  • Harald Sinn (EuXFEL)
  • Markus Tischer (DESY)

Workshop secretary:

  • Nicoletta Mattioli
via Zoom
Details will be emailed prior to workshop commencing