28–29 Apr 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Workshop 2. Resilience & Well-being in Academia

Resilience and well-being in Academia
with Dr. Desiree Dickerson

Wednesday, 28 April 2021, 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. and
Thursday, 29 April 2021, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Venue: The Zoom meeting details will be e-mailed to all registrants prior to the workshop.

Academia is an ultramarathon that we try to run as a sprint. This approach tends to leave us with little time or energy for life outside of work and very few resources to cope when we face challenges. But a healthier approach to research is possible and is essential if you want to build a sustainable career in academia (or anywhere else in this fast-paced, competitive world we live in). 

Despite our increasing diversity, academics tend to harbour a common chorus of voices in our heads. Voices that demand perfection, or that tell us we aren’t good enough and we don’t belong here; voices that have driven us to excel, but that also charge a pretty high tax. A tax on our emotional, mental and physical health. 

Yes, the environment is a contributor to the unhealthy, counterproductive lifestyle many of us live. However, we as individuals can address the way we approach academia to buffer us against stress and burnout, worry and fear, and the toxic competition we are often surrounded by.

This workshop provides you with tools to increase your resilience no matter the stressor. Develop tools to successfully weather not only this pandemic but that will equip you to face stress, anxiety, challenging relationships, and burnout, and to enhance your overall well-being. We explore:

  •  The self-critical inner voices that sabotage your motivation and enjoyment for your work;
  • How your mindset can help or hinder your day-to-day life and your future career prospects;
  • How certain maladaptive coping strategies (e.g. procrastination and avoidance) maintain these self-sabotaging thought and behaviour cycles.
  • How to navigate uncertainty, worry, and anxiety that many experience.
  • How to reshape your thinking and behaviour patterns to work for you in pursuit of your goals.

The Trainer: Dr. Desiree Dickerson worked in neurosciences and as a clinical psychologist. Her work focuses on taking the best of neuroscience, behavioural economics, and psychological practice and break it down into meaningful, practical tools to help academics achieve peak performance in highly challenging, high-stress environments while maintaining their well-being.