23–28 Aug 2010
Europe/Berlin timezone

Inflaton versus Curvaton in Higher Dimensional Gauge Theories

24 Aug 2010, 15:08
Hörsaal I (Bonn)

Hörsaal I


Nussallee 12


Yoji Koyama (Department of Physics, Chuo University)


We construct a model of cosmological inflation and perturbation based on the higher-dimensional gauge theory. The inflaton and curvaton are the scalar fields arising from the extra space components of the gauge field living in more than four dimensions. We take the six-dimensional (6D) Yang-Mills theory compactified on $T^2$ as a toy model. The one-loop effective potential of the inflaton and the curvaton can reproduce the observed values of the spectral index and the curvature perturbation.

Primary authors

Dr Chia-Min Lin (Physics Department, National Tsing Hua University) Dr Shie Minakami (Department of Physics, Chuo University) Prof. Takeo Inami (Department of Physics, Chuo University) Yoji Koyama (Department of Physics, Chuo University)

Presentation materials