23–28 Aug 2010
Europe/Berlin timezone

Lepton flavour observables in the MSSM

24 Aug 2010, 14:17
Gr. Hörsaal Mathematik (Bonn)

Gr. Hörsaal Mathematik


Nussallee 12


Mrs Jennifer Girrbach (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institut fuer Theoretische Teilchenphysik)


In view of the new NA62 measurement of R_K = Gamma(K -> e nu)/Gamma(K -> mu nu) probing lepton flavour universality with an unprecedented precision, I critically discuss supersymmetric contributions to this observable. The MSSM corrections to R_K are constrained using the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron a_e and the renormalisation of its mass m_e. Neither of these quantities has been studied before to place constraints on the MSSM parameter space. I include the effects of stau mixing and discuss the impact of a future determination of the lightest stau mass on R_K. Further, I present chirally enhanced non-decoupling radiative corrections to light lepton masses. By applying 't Hooft's naturalness criterion I derive new bounds on the trilinear A-terms. Finally I show how the combined information of the muon anomalous magnetic moment and of future collider data on the smuon mass can be used to disentangle the tree-level and radiatively induced contributions to the muon Yukawa coupling.

Primary author

Mrs Jennifer Girrbach (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institut fuer Theoretische Teilchenphysik)

Presentation materials