25–30 Apr 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Three-loop planar integrals for four-point one-mass processes

26 Apr 2022, 11:30
Rosner Aula

Rosner Aula


Nikolaos Syrrakos (TUM)


I will present analytic expressions for the two tennis-court integral families relevant to three-loop $2\to2$ scattering processes involving one massive external particle and massless propagators in terms of Goncharov polylogarithms of up to transcendental weight six. Additionally, I will also present analytic expressions for physical kinematics for the ladder-box family and the two tennis-court families in terms of real-valued polylogarithmic functions, making these results well-suited for phenomenological applications. The full calculation, accompanied by all relevant results in computer-readable form, became recently available in arXiv:[2112.14275].

Primary authors

Dhimiter Canko (NCSR-D) Nikolaos Syrrakos (TUM)

Presentation materials