25–30 Apr 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Quark and Gluon Contributions to QCD Trace Anomaly at Four Loops

29 Apr 2022, 11:00
Raum Graswangtal

Raum Graswangtal


Dr Taushif Ahmed (University of Torino)


The QCD energy-momentum tensor exhibits the well-known property of trace anomaly. The anomalous contribution can be distributed among the quark and gluon parts. Although the total energy-momentum tensor remains unrenormalized owing to the conservation of energy and momentum, the individual components do go through ultraviolet renormalization. We perform this renormalization at four-loop level. As a spin-off, the phenomenological consequences of our result concerning the anomaly induced mass structure of hadrons are discussed.

Primary author

Dr Taushif Ahmed (University of Torino)


Dr Long Chen (RWTH Aachen University)

Presentation materials