10th MT ARD ST3 - pre-meeting Machine Learning Workshop

NEW 15 1'427 (Humboldt University of Berlin)

NEW 15 1'427

Humboldt University of Berlin

Newtonstrasse 15
Andrea Santamaria Garcia (KIT)

Data-driven methods such as machine learning (ML) can accurately reproduce the behavior of a mathematical model at a substantially reduced computational cost, given enough data. Not only that, but they have the potential to outperform classical simulations. In accelerator physics, the reduction in computational cost through ML models opens the door to real-time deployment of online systems not only for beam control during complex phenomena but also for online accelerator optimization and prediction.

The accelerator physics community is already actively applying a variety of ML methods to many different problems. This workshop offers a very applied introduction to ML for accelerators, including an overview of algorithms and tools, technical lectures, hands-on tutorials, and real-life applications.

As this workshop is part of the annual MT-ARD-ST3 meeting: please don't forget to register to the main event and pay the fee!

-->  https://indico.desy.de/event/33584/

Target audience:

  • It is meant for people with no previous experience in machine learning
  • Previous experience with Python and Jupyter notebooks is required!


  • We will release the code for the workshop on GitHub before the event
  • There will be computers available to run the code, but you can also set it up beforehand in your own laptop


  • Andrea Santamaria Garcia
  • Andrei Maalberg
  • Bianca Veglia
  • Chenran Xu
  • Erik Bruendermann
  • Fabian Pannek
  • Gianluca Martino
  • Holger Schlarb
  • Jan Kaiser
  • Leandro Lanzieri
  • Luca Scomparin
  • Marie Kristin Czwalinna
  • Meghan McAteer
  • Michael Nasse
  • Nils Lockmann
  • Nur Jomhari
  • Oliver Stein
  • Raffael Niemczyk
  • Sergey Antipov
  • Shuai Ma
  • Simon Lauber
  • Stephan-Robert Kötter
  • Ulf Lehnert
    • 1
      Welcome and introduction to machine learning in accelerator physics
      Speaker: Andrea Santamaria Garcia (KIT)
    • 2
      Introduction to artificial neural networks
      Speaker: Andrea Santamaria Garcia (KIT)
    • 3
      Coding example: build your own neural network

      We will fit non-linear functions with neural networks in PyTorch and understand the role that the different parameters of the model play in the quality of the fit

    • 4
      Special topic: introduction to Bayesian optimization
      Speaker: Chenran Xu (KIT)
    • 5
      Coding example: optimize unknown functions with Bayesian optimization

      We will implement all the basic components of Bayesian optimization (BO), and see how to use BO for some sample 1D and 2D functions

    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • 6
      Application of Bayesian optimization to improve injection efficiency at KARA demo
      Speaker: Chenran Xu (KIT)
    • 7
      Special topic: introduction to reinforcement learning & ARES demo
      Speakers: Jan Kaiser (DESY), Oliver Stein (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))