6–8 Dec 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Status report on the PETRA IV timing system development

8 Dec 2022, 09:15
New Products Session 7


Hendrik Lippek (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))


At DESY, developments towards the fourth-generation synchrotron light source PETRA IV are ongoing in its technical design phase. This machine upgrade foresees a complete renewal of the accelerator and its electronics for controls, including the timing and synchronization system. As a platform choice for the hardware, MicroTCA.4 has been chosen to become the new baseline.
This report will briefly summarize the new timing system concept for
the storage ring and its pre-accelerator chain. Furthermore, we will present the current status of the hardware and firmware development of the MicroTCA.4-based AMC, the DAMC-X3TIMER.

Primary author

Hendrik Lippek (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))

Presentation materials