6–8 Dec 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Extension of the Python Bindings for the ChimeraTK DeviceAccess Library

8 Dec 2022, 11:30
Software and firmware Session 8


Christian Willner (DESY)


ChimeraTK is an open-source software toolkit that aims to facilitate the design of control applications for register-based hardware. One of the included libraries is DeviceAccess. It offers one common interface for a multitude of different devices and their respective protocols. It enables the user to focus on the task at hand. The application can be independent of the backend like DOOCS, EPICS, or PCIe. 

The Python bindings for the DeviceAccess library have been updated. The functionality now mirrors its C++ counterpart. With the introduction of register accessors, a lot of housekeeping has been moved from the user to the library. The update also offers new constructs for blocking reads, to delegate control to the register instead of constantly polling it. The refactoring also includes complete documentation and the introduction of Python type-hints and function annotations to streamline the programming workflow in the IDE.

Presentation materials