Knowledge exchange between national and international experts: Forschungszentrum Jülich, California Digital Library and Sikt
- Bernhard Mittermaier (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Mathew Willmott (California Digital Library)
- Jens Aasheim (Sikt)
Knowledge exchange between national and international experts: JISC, AT2OA2, National Library of Finland and Transform2Open
- Timo Vilén (The National Library of Finland)
- Christian Kaier (University Library of Graz)
- Amy Devenney (Jisc)
The transformation of scientific publishing into Open Access is the impetus for a holistic view of the expenditure for access to scientific literature and for publishing. What happens on a small scale in a Publish & Read contract must also be the general approach for all expenditures and their funding, in accordance to the demand from funders (DFG, German Research Foundation) and policy advice...
Starting in 2019, the California Digital Library (CDL) has been negotiating transformative open access agreements with publishers on behalf of the ten campusesof the University of California (UC), which represents almost 10% of the publication output of the United States. Under the current set of agreements approximately half of all articles with a UC corresponding author are eligible to be...
Sharing experiences on acquiring, handling and using cost data. As the national Open Access coordinator and managing the Norwegian license consortium, Sikt processes a wide variety of data associated with the cost ofpublishing and agreements.
After a short overview of Austrian Transition to Open Access Two (AT2OA2), a national project supporting Open Access, the presentation will focus on the status quo regarding Open Access Cost Monitoring at Austrian Universities as well as on approaches to improve documentation and transparency regarding publication costs. The following aspects will be addressed: capturing and displaying (Open...
In my presentation, I’ll look at the current state of cost monitoring in Finland, drawing on my experience as the leader of FinELib’s APC project and the chair of an expert group chargedwith reviewing the total costs of OA for Finland. I’ll describe our approach including our attempts to harness the Finnish VIRTA Publication Information Service for the purposes of cost monitoring and not...
The DFG-funded Transform2Open project addresses the development of budgets, criteria, competencies, and related processes at research-performing organizations around the financial dimensions of the Open Access transformation.
The Transform2Open project supports transformation activities at research institutions in Germany through the following actions:
(1) Improving and further developing...