16 February 2023
Online - the link will be sent separately
Europe/Berlin timezone
Registration only via iss.desy.de !

Attention: Registration now via ISS!: https://ias.desy.de/pls/apex/f?p=235:4:13630159740421::::P4_CID,P4_CTID:91,840&cs=1RE5qwiV5oUPJ8jR01U8RcXviO76MqPTooe9q81azhA-NuDrxWaliwuSpZztsM28xO9w_Ok1Pa5A9r_inpWE14A 

Are you looking for information around planning a career in academia or in companies, NGOs, science management or science communication? Would you like to find out more about career opportunities and make new contacts? Then you have come to the right place!


Trainer:            Dr. Christiane Kasack, expert business coach and career counselor
Dates:                Feb 16 and 21, 2023
Times  :              9:00-12:30 on both days

Which skills do you have that the world would appreciate?

Through self-reflection as well as through a change of perspectives by interacting with your peers, you will address these big questions and learn how to navigate them. You will analyze your profile to develop a clearer and communicable view of your skill set and your career-related values. This is the right workshop if you are considering a non-academic career and would like to start making a decision. After this short workshop, you will not only have some first answers regarding the big questions, but you will especially have broken down the big questions into clearer smaller questions.

In the event you can not attend after you register, please contact us so we can give your spot to someone on the waiting list.

Online - the link will be sent separately