Speedtalks: Beam Diagnostics: Beam diagnostics - Speedtalks
- Peter Forck (GSI)
At the KIT storage ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator), two electro-optical (EO) diagnostical setups are implemented: An EO near-field monitor within the beam pipe in vacuum as a tool for longitudinal bunch profile measurements and an EO far-field setup to measure the temporal profile of the coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR).
The EO near-field monitor performs very well in...
The microstrip based pickup monitor (MPM) suited for arrival time detection is carefully investigated and the voltage signal at the feedthrough exit has been studied to obtain the optimized symmetrical signal amplitude and reduced wakefields prior to and subsequent to the bunch. Due to the superior potential behavior of the microstrip line with ultra-low charge signals (1pC) at 100 GHz...
Within the FLASH 2020+ project, the injector and linac had undergone substantial upgrades and changes, bringing along also adaptations of longitudinal diagnostics. The main advances have been made on the electronics and automation side, with regard to the special burst-mode bunch pattern with individual tuning capabilities for FLASH1 and FLASH2 beamlines. Here we present the most recent...
The Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) is able to provide a calibrated non-destructive measurement of beam currents with a resolution of 10 nA or better. The non-interceptive, absolute intensity measurement of weak ion beams (< 1 µA) is essential in heavy ion storage rings and in transfer lines, as the ones in FAIR. With standard diagnostics, this measurement is challenging for bunched beams...
At the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen, Longitudinal Phase
Space (LPS) tomography is done to reconstruct the LPS before the booster. In
order to improve the existing technique, methodical studies were done where
some core concerns were addressed e.g. booster phase scan range, momentum
resolution and space-charge effects. An analytical model was developed to
quantify RMS...
At HZDR, the development of the Dresden Advanced Light Infrastructure (DALI) - a successor of the existing ELBE user facility, is ongoing. The new user facility will operate several SRF linac-based MIR-THz sources. The main motivation for the new facility is the user community request to increase the photon pulse energy from a few µJ, available now, to a few hundred µJ and even a mJ, in the...
The future proton injector Linac (pLinac) for the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI, Darmstadt, will provide a 68 MeV, up to 70 mA proton beam at a duty cycle of max. 35µs / 2.7 Hz for the SIS18/SIS100 synchrotrons, using the existing UNILAC transfer beamline. The Linac will operate at 325 MHz and consists of a novel so called ‘Ladder’ RFQ, followed by a chain of...
In beam diagnostics cameras are used for beam characterization by imaging beam induced fluorescence (BIF). This way the transverse profile of the beam can be determined. The amount of light generated through BIF is in many cases very low. Under such conditions extremely sensitive camera systems have to be used. The final aim of the work presented here is to compare three different such...
Accelerator-Based Terahertz (THz) radiation sources[1] open new domains for both physical matter as well as application based research in the Terahertz domain. The generated THz Spectrum as well as its pulse shape is of importance for both, beam line scientists in order to study the beam dynamics[2] as well as for the experimental scientists in order to use THz signals for numerous studies....
Reliability and reproducibility of the measurement is what separates proof of principle or experimental diagnostics from systems used for day to day accelerator operation. The poster describes the steps that were taken to bring the Bunch Arrival Time Monitors of EuXFEL and FLASH to steady operation.
Before injection into the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), the electron storage ring of the KIT Light Source, the beam energy is ramped up from 53 MeV to 500 MeV by a booster synchrotron. The whole booster is located in a concrete enclosure inside the storage ring and thus not accessible during operation. For the study of longitudinal beam dynamics, a cost-effective solution to leverage...
In most accelerator facilities the machine synchronization is crucial. It depends on bunch arrival-time measurements with high precision, which can be achieved either by RF synchronization or by an electro-optical detection scheme. For very low bunch charges down to a few pC, a single-digit fs resolution cannot not be reached with the state-of-the-art bunch arrival-time monitors (BAM). A new...
In preparation of future streaking experiments at the FLUTE linear accelerator using a split-ring resonator (SRR) structure we present measurements of the laser-based THz generation setup. We also show some efforts to improve the THz pulse strength using a different lens material and a dry air box to reduce the impact of water vapor.