25 November 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Generative Models for Fast Simulation of Electromagnetic and Hadronic Showers in Highly Granular Calorimeters

25 Nov 2022, 10:25
Flash Seminar Room (DESY)

Flash Seminar Room


Short Talk


Peter McKeown (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SFT))


The simulation of calorimeters using standard Monte Carlo based methods is expected to create a major computational bottleneck at the next generation of collider experiments, motivating the development of alternative approaches. Surrogate simulators based on deep generative models could potentially provide significant computational speedups- however the highly granular nature of many future detectors poses a major challenge in terms of the degree of physical fidelity required. This contribution reports progress on the simulation of both electromagnetic and hadronic showers, as well as steps taken to broaden the scope of these simulators, for example when conditioning a model on multiple parameters.

Primary authors

Anatolii Korol (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SFT)) Daniel Christian Hundhausen (UNI/EXP (Uni Hamburg, Institut fur Experimentalphysik)) Engin Eren (FLC (FTX Fachgruppe SFT)) Erik Buhmann (University of Hamburg) Frank Gaede (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SFT)) Gregor Kasieczka (UNI/EXP (Uni Hamburg, Institut fur Experimentalphysik)) Katja Krueger (DESY (FTX Fachgruppe DTA)) Lennart Rustige (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SFT)) Peter McKeown (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SFT)) Sascha Daniel Diefenbacher (Universität Hamburg) William Korcari (UNI/EXP (Uni Hamburg, Institut fur Experimentalphysik))

Presentation materials