16–23 Oct 2023
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science
Europe/Berlin timezone
++++ Note: The slides are available in the materials section below ++++

Course 2. The Physics of the life sciences: Connections of fundamental physics to modern biology and medicine

Dates: 16 - 19 October 2023, 2 pm - 5:30 pm
Venue: Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, SR I-III and Harbor (for practical course)



16 Oct | Mon

17 Oct | Tue

18 Oct |Wed

19 Oct |Thu


Introduction to the lectures

Alessandra Picchiotti
Universität Hamburg

Teasing out the secrets of subtle protein dynamics

Helen Ginn 


Super Resolution Light Microscopy by Single Molecule Localization and Structured Illumination

Thünauer, Roland, CSSB Hamburg


Integrative modelling of macromolecular assemblies using data from cryo-EM & mass spectrometry

Maya Topf 


Time-resolved spectroscopy, a Powerful Tool for the study of Photosensitised Processes in DNA

Susann Quinn 
University College Dublin

Crystallography, from physics to proteins 

Pedram Mehrabi
Universität Hamburg 

Super resolution light microscopy, studying the interplay between light and matter up to the molecular level

Antonio Virgilio Failla
UKE Hamburg

From NMR to Brain Function, Tissue Microstructure, and Metabolism in Vivo

Jürgen Finsterbusch Department of Systems Neuroscience, UKE Hamburg



People divided in small groups

  1. How protein crystals are made (a.g. Pearson)
  2. Refinement of a protein, practical demo (a.g. Ginn)
  3. LADOM demonstration - Laser Assisted DNA optical Mapping (a.g. Fernandez-Cuesta)
  4. Guided tour of the atto-lab in DESY (a.g. Calegari)
  5. Guided tour of T-REX Beamline (a.g. Pearson)
  1. How protein crystals are made (a.g. Pearson)
  2. Refinement of a protein, practical demo (a.g. Ginn)
  3. LADOM demonstration - Laser Assisted DNA optical Mapping (a.g. Fernandez-Cuesta)
  4. Guided tour of the atto-lab in DESY (a.g. Calegari)
  5. Guided tour of T-REX Beamline (a.g. Pearson)
  1. How protein crystals are made (a.g. Pearson)
  2. Refinement of a protein, practical demo (a.g. Ginn)
  3. LADOM demonstration - Laser Assisted DNA optical Mapping (a.g. Fernandez-Cuesta)
  4. Guided tour of the atto-lab in DESY (a.g. Calegari)
  5. Guided tour of T-REX Beamline (a.g. Pearson)
  1. MRI demo at UKE (until 19:00 in the evening – guided by Fisterbusch)
  2. How protein crystals are made (a.g. Pearson)
  3. Refinement of a protein, practical demo (a.g. Ginn)