7–8 Dec 2023
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Europe/Berlin timezone

This online workshop teaches the fundamentals of project management, including the different project phases (planning, executing, documenting, controlling and evaluating scientific projects). It will outline the differences between classic and agile project management, and their use for e.g. business model canvas, kanban, gantt charts, daily stand-up & retrospective meetings for scientific projects. It will also provide an overview of software tools and teach delegation and individual time management. Allocating roles, leading and steering scientific projects and groups are, as well as conflict management, developing risk scenarios and preparing for fails, important skills in project management and will thus be subject of this workshop. 

About the trainer: Nicola Findeis, Dipl. Ing. (FH) is an independent project manager, coach and supervisor. She supports teams in planning, structuring, and implementing classic, agile or hybrid projects using her >20 years of extensive knowledge of methods and her practical experience in the semiconductor industry and mechanical engineering.

This workshop is organized as a transferable skills workshop by the PIER Education Platform (PEP) and is open to all postdoctoral researchers as well as PhD students in their final year from the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science or structural biology at DESY or Universität Hamburg.


This workshop  is part of the transferable skills portfolio of the PIER Education platform on the science campus Bahrenfeld/DESY. The workshops are usually one-day courses for a maximum number of 12-15 participants and are offered once or twice a year. The trainers are carefully selected experts with many years of experience in teaching scientists. Some of the workshops are open for postdocs.

The workshops offered in the PIER Education Platform are a cooperation between the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School and its partner organisations and institutes Quantum Universe Research School QURS, the Collaborative Research Center SFB 925, The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging CUI, the International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics IMPRS-UFAST, DASHH, the Centre for Structural Systems Biology CSSB, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL and HELIOS.

.                https://indico.desy.de/getFile.py/access?resId=3&materialId=0&confId=13331

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Credit points study programme PIER Helmholtz Graduate School: 1.0

There is an open survey.